Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting ready to roll over.....

A while back, Dave brought Kaylene for a visit. She is rolling over like crazy. She rolls over and over and over. It must be very liberating. She see's a toy and goes for it.

Over we go!

Here we are!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fun Saturday

About a week ago, we took a short trip to Sea Tac with our friends Anne and Dave. We all wanted to try the new light rail train to the airport from downtown Seattle. We caught a city bus in Kirkland, rode into the city, purchased our train tickets and off we went. It's really quite slick. We rode all the way to the airport, went inside and had coffee at Starbuck's while planning some other little trips we might take and watching people. Then reboarded the train and rode back. Then we went to lunch at Nordstrom's Grill, got on the bus and rode back to Kirkland. Had a great time. The first and third photos were taken on a moving bus and train and so are a little fuzzy.

Our Light Rail trip to Sea-Tac

Our Light Rail trip to Sea-Tac

David, Anne, and David at Sea-Tac after coffee.

Anne heading back to Seattle

Thursday, February 11, 2010

On Tuesday, Dave brought Kaylene over to spend a couple of hours with me, while he went to the dentist. I was concerned that once she discovered that he was gone, she'd be upset. Well, she wasn't and I was one happy grandmother. We played a while, had a bottle, played in this exerciser (which is really cool!) and took a nap. Not one single tear, but she did manage to misplace her sock!

Kaylene comes for a visit......

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Holt's new digs in Pasadena

Two weeks ago we flew to Los Angeles where Martha, Zach and Augie picked us up and drove us to the house they are moving into. It will be very nice once they get their things all moved and they will have twice the space. This photo above is the back yard, the one below is me in front of the fireplace in the living room. After giving the house the once over, we drove down to Santa Barbara for our final visit. At least the final one for a while.

The Kitchen

Augie after a busy day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jolene's birthday gathering.......

Last Saturday night we went to Gramma Jacquies's to celebrate Jolene's birthday. Here are some photos of Kaylene and Grandpa Dave and finally one of the birthday girl. We had a great time and the food was absolutely wonderful. Fun time.

Birthday girl and Kaylene