Friday, September 26, 2008

Me n' Christy

Last Tuesday I went into Bellevue to have my friend and former neighbor cut my hair. We had our photo taken afterward. She just got married. Congratulation, Christy!

After my haircut I went over to Bel Square to poke around. They are replacing the flooring and it's amazing to me how much bigger the square looks.

New look at Bel Sq.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A blast or two from the past!

In 1965 Dave and I took a Air France airline weekend package to Paris. It was called the "Paris a-go-go weekend. " And go-go we did. There weren't too many free moments, day or night. This is a photo of me and my friend Katie in front of our hotel, The Claridge. Very nice place and still there. They were having the coldest winter since WWII and everything was rather gray. In spite of the weather, Paris had a very profound effect on me and is still my favorite city. We took a bus to the city from the airport, we came around a corner and there was the Eiffel Tower. It brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't believe I was really seeing it. Goodness, it looked just like the history books!
This has always been my favorite European site. Even in the cold, wet, and gray of January 1965.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Belated B-day Party for Dave

We had a dinner party last evening to celebrate Dave's birthday. Here he is with his cake and our friend Bonni. Below are another of our friends, Ray and Shirley. Lots of conversation and laughs.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Dave!

Today is Dave's birthday. This is a photo of him doing one of the things he likes best. Poking around Mt. Rainier in showshoes. Have a great day, Dad!

Monday, September 15, 2008

We had a BBQ last week for our village. It had a western theme. I actually had a nicer hat for Dave to wear, but he insisted on this one. I guess it's an old friend. I thought our tables, etc. looked pretty nice.

Prov. Pt.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Perky" shoes

I'm scratching around for pictures for this blog again, so I'll tell you the story of these shoes. I bought them at Penney's a few weeks ago on sale for $9.77. Everyone seems to like them, strangers come up to me to say "they are the cutest shoes!" It's been kinda fun, for not too much money. My next posting should be more interesting.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A couple more birthday party photos.

Dave and Dave.

I don't think so.

Dave Jr., and Cory went for a ride on the scooters that Polly has. They had a great time. These things scare me to death. All that to say, that Polly thinks I should take up riding them. I'm not crazy about the little hat!


Monday, September 8, 2008

More birthday party photos.

Dalene and Jolene, lookin' good!

Dave and Cory

I thought this could be GQ material!


Enough of this picture stuff, I wanna go out and sit in the grass!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

September birthdays.

Polly had us all over for dinner and a birthday celebration for Dave, Sr and Dalene. She had salmon and a wonderful salad for dinner. Below Dave and Dalene are opening their gifts. Fun!

A nice photo of Dave and Jolene filling their plates and below Jacquie, Paul and Cory. Paul's just mugging for the camera.