Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

People have asked me, over the years, what my favorite birthday memory is. Well, it's this one. It was 1949, I was turning 9 and my birthday fell on Easter Sunday. My dad thought this was a pretty big event, so he took me shopping for most of this Easter outfit. My Aunt Florence had made the dress. It had a big bow on the back, yellow is my favorite color and I loved it. My dad and I shopped for the socks, shoes, hat, coat and I believe there were white gloves involved. It was quite the event and as I think about it and remember it, it brings tears to my eyes. The photos were taken at my Aunt Ruth's home on The Day. I think the coat was purchased a size or so larger so I could wear it for a few years! =)
Another birthday that was very eventful, was my 40th. My husband, along with a couple of my friends had a surprise party for me. It was wonderful walking into that room and seeing all those faces. Thanks to family and friends, I've had wonderful birthday's over the years and I'm very grateful.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter visit

Before dinner on Easter Sunday, we were able to see Muf, Zach and all of Zach's family and talk with them via Skype. Here are Jacquie and Paul taking their turn. Isn't technology great!

Dave waiting for the Easter ham!

Guess Who made it to the party!

Dave and Harry before dinner.


Dalene, Jolene and Harry preparing to sit down to dinner.

Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday we had our family and a neighborhood friend over for dinner. We had ham and salads and all the trimmings. We also celebrated Paul's and my birthday. This is Dave, Paul and Jacquie getting ready to "dig in"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Saturday night

Our friend, Lindsey, held a fund raiser at a Gallery in Pioneer Square last Sat. night. Many members of her family were in attendance. It was great to see many of these folks who we don't get to see often. We even managed to get the winning bid on a picture. Was fun. Here are a few of us Lindsey, Betsey and me too!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring seems to have finally arrived!

Yesterday, we woke to snow, some rain and sleet. Today we have blue skies, sunshine and mild temperatures. Wow, "Spring" may actually be here. We have decided to have a pea patch this year. This is Dave and our friend Ray spreading mulch over ours. I think we'll plant onions, tomatoes, lettuce and some flowers. Should be interesting to see how this all works, as we have deer who roam all over the complex and come by the pea patch now and then for lunch.
The April/Spring flag is flying.
I know it's dark, but it's bunnies saying "Welcome"