Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mexican Train night

Last Friday night, we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and then came up to Providence Point for dessert and some mexican train. It was the first time for us to use our new game set, isn't the little case cool? It was also Bonni's birthday, so we had cake and ice cream and presents! Pictures below show some of the festivities.

Bonni and her birthday cake!

Bonni opening her gifts.

Bill and Bonni

Lucille and Wally

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dad went snow shoe-ing this past week end.

Dad and a few of his friends went over to Eastern Washington last week end to get in some snow shoe-ing. He left on Saturday and returned on Monday. One of them has a small cabin, that you have to snow shoe into for about an hour to get to. As you can see it snowed a bit. The cabin has a wood stove that they do all the cooking on and is heated by a fireplace. Dave says it gets really warm. They have bunks you throw your sleeping bag onto for sleeping. I don't know it all seems pretty "rustic" to me and not something I'd be fond of. He enjoys it and I'm happy that he has a chance to go. The scenery is certainly lovely.
I thought this was really pretty.
Making pumpkin pies for dinner, when the snow shoe folks come back.
Making Ice Cream to put on the pumpkin pie. Yum

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I thnk it was Tuesday of last week that I woke up and discovered that it had snowed AGAIN! I know it's winter, but I'm really kinda tired of it and it sort of depresses me. Anyway, I looked out the window and saw the moon in all it's glory in a clear blue sky. So, I decide to go out on the deck and take the photo below. Now this would normally be a nice idea, but the deck was covered with a sheet of ice, which I didn't notice, and I proceeded to slip all over the place. Fortunately, I didn't fall, but it scared me to death. I don't need to fall and break anything!

Morning moon over the deck

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Old car. =(

I guess, if I post photos of the new car, I should post one of the old car. It had 286,000 miles on it and is 20 years old. Dave takes really good care of his cars and we sold it to a couple who are going to drive it to work and back. It should do that for them for quite a while. It really did well for us.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Something new......

We have purchased a new car. At least it's new to us. It is a 2006 Camry and we are loving it. We figure it will probably be the last car we own. It has heated seats! Very nice. What Martha likes about the car, is that my red rain hat has already taken up residence in the back seat!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jolene's Birthday Party

Last Friday night we all went to the Old Spaghetti Factory in Seattle and celebrated Jolene's birthday. We had a great time. Here's a photo of Dave and Dalene taking a break from their paparazzi duties. Have to have things recorded you know. I think Jolene looks fabulous! Happy Birthday Jolene!!

Jacquie and Paul

The "kids" fooling around!

Jolene and Dave

This is Paul opening his belated Christmas gift. It's a photo of him as dancer extraordinare (Sp?) at Martha and Zach's wedding. Pretty cool.