Our friends from Santa Barbara stopped for a quick visit on their way to Canada. They will be living there for a while and tho' it isn't far we will miss them. Here they are settling in and doing some Facetime with Muf and Augie. It was really fun to have them and were sorry to see them go. We did a lot of rehashing the fun times we all had in Santa Barbara. God speed, Hui's, and don't be surprised if we suddenly decide to drive up for a visit!
After dinner Dave and Molly found it necessary to check out the bird situation behind our house.
Get those teeth clean and shiny, Molly!
Molly having breakfast, raisins are always good.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The summit is at 13,796 ft. The sunsets are spectacular. It is hard to explain it or even take pictures that show the incredible beauty. There are several large telescopes up there and when they move it's sort of frightening. On the way down you stop for cookies and hot chocolate, they set up a telescope and you view the night sky, while the docent tells you what to look for. Planets, stars, constellations, so clear in the very black night sky. Saw several satellites as well.
One of the highlights of our trip was a tour we took to the Mauna Kea summit to watch the sunset. You start out at about 3 in the afternoon and get back around midnight. You get about half way up and you stop for a dinner of stew and corn muffins. The place where you stop is a group of very old buildings put there by the Parker Ranch. They believe that Robert Lewis Stevenson stayed here before he made his ascent of the mountain. It was chilly up there and the stew was warming and delicious.
I'm sure you have heard of "The Red Hats", well these are the black hats of Kona! Nice!
Dave and Augie, Gramma Jacquie and Kaylene, just checkin' out what is in that ocean! How much fun can it be!
This guy was a treat to meet!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The top photo is of the little folks doing what they do best. They found a fountain and proceeded to splash in it! The bottom photo is of Martha and Augie up at Kilauea Volcano. I'll post more in a couple of days.
As many of you know, we spent the last week of June on the big island of Hawaii on the Kona coast. There were eleven of us. Dave and I, with our son and daughter in law and their daughter, our daughter and son in law and their son, our daughter in laws parents and sister. We had a wonderful time. The above photos are of some of the incredible scenery which seems to abound there and a statue of King Kamehameha. Three of us took a little trip up around the top of the island and took these photos and many more.